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Thursday 4 April 2013

The final entry....

I have come to realise many things throughout the duration of this course.  I have thought about the young people I work with and how they learn....then I have also thought about myself, my practice and how I learn.  I have come to realise that for me to develop as an educator I  need to connect and reflect on both the theory and the practical.  At this stage of my career I reflect a lot more on my own classroom and life experiences - using professional dialogue to help however I have come to realise that I need to develop my understanding of theory.  I am not confident to quote what I have read here - I don't have that skill yet...I suppose it is a skill I have not needed in many years!

So how do I finalise this module....I can't!  It isn't possible to finish with just one post.  I have many doors in front of me now...which one to choose and where to go.  Each door is a question I want answered...and each door is a different pathway for me to start the next part of my journey.  So many ways to choose.

This module was not what I expected.  However I have reflected on my practice and started to consider how to improve it - perhaps more importantly for me I have made connections with other people to help share the next part of my journey with.  Where I will go I don't know - what I do know is I have some friends to help me find my way.